How Security Loans Help Smaller Businesses Address Cash-Flow Problems

The Department of Small Business Development published a report in 2017 that showed government departments were slow to pay invoices at the time. According to the report, invoices of more than R4.3 billion remained unpaid in September 2017. This is, however, a trend that continues. Small- and medium-sized businesses, delivering products and services to government […]

Quick, Short-Term Loans for Small Business Owners

Small business owners often struggle to get business assistance from banks, especially quick, short-term loans. However, such businesses are the most at risk of closing doors because of short-term cash flow problems. The owners may require cash injections to bridge periods in which they wait for payments from clients or for funding new opportunities. With […]

A Viable Alternative to Car Pawn for Cash Offerings

With petrol prices being extremely high, food prices competing to top the margins of petrol, and electricity hikes on the horizon once again, you may be tempted to browse for car pawn for cash ads in the classifieds. This is especially true if you have already maxed out your credit cards and do not exactly […]

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